Roderick Pravo is the agent of hope. An immigrant who comes to the nation of August with the hope for a better life. He is a man of integrity, and ideals which he is willing to lay down his life for. He bring hope against the virus of hate which his new home is infected. Roderick fights to bring humanity to those inhuman creatures.
Katherine Laurie, is president of August until her tenure is taken from her, and life is threatened. A politician aiming to do good, within a system which no longer upholds the values she ran on. Escaping her homeland, she joins with the UN to fight for the class she finds herself belonging, the immigrant. She watches her country implode from the outside, becoming a traitor in an attempt to save its soul.
Charles Terri is what patriotism has become in the nation of August, hate. A news man who holds the ear of his nation, becoming its ruler deafening them to the screams of injustice. The virus of hate is of his doing, it destruction his planning and its consequence his terror. He would sooner see it die than a person not born of its soil succeed.